With God on Our Side: Porter Speakman Interview

Porter Speakman Interview from Stephen Sizer on Vimeo.

Porter Speakman shares about his new film “With God on our Side” For more information see withgodonourside.com

“With God On Our Side takes a look at the theology of Christian Zionism, which teaches that because the Jews are God’s chosen people, they have a divine right to the land of Israel. Aspects of this belief system lead some Christians in the West to give uncritical support to Israeli government policies, even those that privilege Jews at the expense of Palestinians, leading to great suffering among Muslim and Christian Palestinians alike and threatening Israel’s security as a whole.

This film demonstrates that there is a biblical alternative for Christians who want to love and support the people of Israel, a theology that doesn’t favor one people group over another but instead promotes peace and reconciliation for both Jews and Palestinians.”

The title for our film, “With God on Our Side” was inspired by the verse:

…while Joshua was there near Jericho: He looked up and saw right in front of him a man standing, holding his drawn sword. Joshua stepped up to him and said, “Whose side are you on—ours or our enemies’?” He said, “Neither. I’m commander of God’s army. Joshua 5:13-14a (The Message)

We believe this verse is still true today, that God does not take sides with certain people groups, nations or agendas. Rather He is for all people. Throughout history, those who have claimed God was on their side have used it to justify atrocities done in the name of Jesus. We believe once again certain Christians are approaching the people in the Middle East claiming God is on their side in a way that disregards human rights and gives unilateral support to a secular State, elevates one people group over another while using the Bible as justification. We believe there is a better way, a way of justice, peace and love for Jews and Palestinians. One that is inclusive, not exclusive. That is the heart of God.

See http://www.withgodonourside.com

The issues surrounding the situation with Israel and Palestinians whether they be Historical or Political bring up very passionate displays of support and activism on all sides. However, it has been my experience that when theology, whether it be Islamic, Judaic or Christian is mixed in with these issues, these passions spill into a new level and becomes a “holy war” in itself.

As a Christian, I wanted to look deeper at Christian approaches into some of these issues and at a theology called Christian Zionism. Although many Evangelical Christians in the United States may not know what Christian Zionism is, most would adhere to some of the basic beliefs Christian Zionists have toward Israel, the Jewish people and the End Times. That supporting Israel is a mandate for all Christians and that support also meant political support for the State.

I also saw that once people understood the political and historical consequences Christian Zionism has on people in the Middle East, they began to question some of the things they have always just taken for granted.

There are several purposes for making this film:
To bring a different perspective to some of the historical, political and theological viewpoints we just taCase for granted involving Israel and the Jewish people.

To look at the consequences Christian Zionism has on the local people in the Middle East, especially Palestinian, who are most directly influenced by Christian political support for the State of Israel and it’s policies, which are then defended using the Bible.

To raise awareness that there are Palestinian Christians, and these consequences affect them as well Muslim Palestinians.

We believe there is an alternative approach to Christian Zionism. An approach that sees both Jews and Palestinians as equal in God’s sight and one that promotes reconciliation, justice and peace.

We recognize that most people who adhere to a Christian Zionist theology have the best intentions in mind. They love and support Israel and the Jewish people out of sincere hearts and what they feel is the Biblical approach to this situation.

We also recognize that being “Pro-Israel” in the minds of most Christian Zionists is not synonyms with being “Anti-Arab”. However, this is why it is important to look at what we believe alongside with how it affects people. Good intentions can still have devastating effects. Some of the most tragic events in history have occurred from a bad interpretation of biblical texts and understanding of who God is. Any approach to the Middle East must be one that sees the needs of all people, not just one, because at the heart of who God is the God of love who commands us to love one another, whether that be our neighbor or someone we consider our enemy.

These are not easy issues to look at and we are all continuing to learn. However we feel it is important to ask questions and we believe no topics are off limits, when the goal is truth.

The “Key Issues” section of this site has some general information on Christian Zionism, History, and Current Events. These are just small snippets of information on subjects addressed in our film. For those who want to learn further, we strongly recommend looking at our resource page for further studies. We also strongly recommend that books from people offering differing perspectives be read.

Porter Speakman, Jr.
Director / Executive Producer “With God on Our Side”

The Blessing of Giving: Matthew 6:1-4

Giving to the Lord’s Work: Matthew 6:1-4 from Stephen Sizer on Vimeo.

This week I am pleased to say I received a letter from Ernie 4… The Electronic Random Number Indicator Equipment. Yes, I’ve won a Premium Bond prize! I’ve only had them a few months. I got fed up with the abysmal interest rate my bank was paying on savings. I don’t regard it as gambling because you can get my money back at any time. I feel quite good about lending my savings to the government to help bail out the banks.

I have already won more money than I could have earned in a year’s worth of bank interest. Rest assured, the prize won’t change my life style. I will be generous with my prize – all two and a half thousand… pennies… (£25)

These Sunday mornings during the Spring we are considering the privileges of church membership. And today we come to the privilege of giving. I want us to see that this is so much more than simply placing money in the collection or giving by direct debit. In a most profound way, our attitude to money is shaping not only our legacy but indeed, our destiny. Lets begin by asking five simple questions – The when, what, where, how & why of giving.

Read more here

A Passion for the Cross: Psalm 22

Sharing a Passion for Life: Psalm 22 from Stephen Sizer on Vimeo.

We are two weeks away from Passion for Life and four weeks from Easter. I hope you are looking forward to both. Easter has become, in the minds of most people, the day to give and receive chocolate eggs and look forward to Spring. The link with its Christian origins is increasingly shrouded in mystery, although, after Christmas Day, it is the day people are most likely to attend church if they ever do. People may misunderstand the good news but they are strangely attracted to it. It is our privilege to be ambassadors of Christ. It is our privilege to explain God’s passion for life so that others may come to know and love him too. We enjoyed a lovely Summer holiday last year in the South of France. The scenery was stunning, the climate warm, the food… expensive. When we got home we could not stop talking about it, showing off the photos, planning our next visit. This week Mike showed me how to get TV programmes on my phone. Amazing. I could not stop showing other people what my phone can do. Good news is infectous. That is why I am less and less enamoured with teaching evangelism. Because it is not about technique.

I am more and more convinced that as we contemplate the passion God has for us, our joy and thankfulness will motivate us to share that good news naturally and infectiously with others. That is why I would like us to spend a few moments contemplating Psalm 22. If people know one passage of the Bible, it is most likely Psalm 23. And yet for many believers, Psalm 22 is the most precious of all the Psalms, for it reveals the passion of God which made possible the promises of God contained in Psalm 23.

No one can read Psalm 22 without being vividly confronted with the Crucifixion. It is not only the way the prophecy is so minutely fulfilled, but the humility of the One suffering that stands out. There is no plea for personal vindication against evil doers as is common to other psalms, only his vision of a worldwide ingathering of the Gentiles accomplished by this sacrifice. One translation entitles it, “The Suffering Servant wins the deliverance of the nations.” It cannot be stated more profoundly or accurately. The Cost of the Gospel is here foretold. No incident in the life of David can begin to account for this Psalm. It is not a description of an illness but an execution. Indeed a means of execution unknown in the time of David. In the Old Testament capital punishment was implemented by stoning, or the sword. Hanging from a tree was forbidden, since it was a sign of God’s curse, and polluted the land. Ironically that’s precisely why Christ died in this way. He did not pollute the land, mankind had. His death did not pollute, just the reverse, it cleanses all who stand under it.

The language of this Psalm defies naturalistic explanations. The best way to interpret it is in the way Peter does in Acts 2:30, “David was a prophet and knew that God had promised on oath that He would place one of His descendants on his throne. Seeing what was ahead, he spoke of the Christ.” (Acts 2:30)

The death of the Lord Jesus Christ had been planned before the beginning of time, and in this Psalm written by the greatest of Israel’s kings, 1000 years before the time of Christ, we can focus down on those last six hours of the most important day in history, the day that changed the world. A more exact expression of the Redeemer’s thoughts and feelings during the awful six hours on the cross of Calvary cannot be found in all the Scriptures.

Read more here

The Cross and the Empty Tomb: The Death and Resurrection of Jesus

Mark 15: The Meaning of the Cross from Stephen Sizer on Vimeo.

The Significance of the Resurrection: Mark 16 from Stephen Sizer on Vimeo.

These two presentations based on week 5 & 6 of the Christianity Explored Course and Mark 15 & 16, were delivered at meetings of the Community Bible Study International (CBSI) groups in Virginia Water and Ascot.

You can also listen to the audio presentations here Mark 15 and Mark 16 and read the presentation here.

Check out the Christianity Explored Course here.

How to Receive Communion Faithfully

Seven Habits of Fully Devoted Followers of Jesus:
Receiving Communion Faithfully (1 Corinthians 11:17-34)

Hands up if you were here last Sunday at 11.00am. Good. I think we have some unfinished business from last week. Our Spring sermon series is entitled what? Seven Habits of Fully Devoted Followers of Jesus.  Remember the theme last week? “The Joy of Serving”.  Now judging by some of your faces, and the number of response forms you gave Lesley, it seems some of you have yet to experience the joy of serving. Do you remember the difference between the wise and foolish builder in Jesus’ other parable? I wasn’t as direct in the application as I should have been.  I don’t want to deprive you of the joy of the Lord.
He expects each and every one of us not only to hear him but also… put into practice what he says. He wants us all to serve him in and through his church. Now if you are not yet a believer, I’m not talking to you. If you are just passing through, I’m not talking to you either – at least not yet. But if you consider yourself a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ (or you want to be) and you consider yourself a member of Christ Church, please hear me.  God is speaking to you right now. Don’t be like the foolish builder or like the lawyer who wanted to debate with Jesus. He heard lots of sermons but he didn’t what? Put them into practice. Right. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to build wisely – to serve joyfully. I don’t want you to miss out on the joy of serving.  I know you took the serving leaflet home.

I know you filled it in, or at least you thought about it, you planned to, but you forgot. You just forgot to return it. That’s OK. We all do it. We live busy stressful lives all week and when we come to church we switch off… But I don’t any more sleepless nights worrying about you missing out on the joy of serving for one more week. So, help me get to sleep tonight. Take time over coffee to fill in one of those little biddy serving leaflets and slip it into Lesley’s hand and make her day.  Or if you feel embarrassed, just slip it onto her desk while she’s not looking. Then you too can experience the joy of serving on one or more of our teams.

Continue reading

OS SIONISTAS CRISTÃOS : Christian Zionism in Portuguese


Na rota para o Armagedóm

As raízes históricas, a base
teológica e as consequências
políticas do envolvimento
cristão no conflito

I am grateful to Jair de Souza in Sao Paula, Brazil, for working on a Portuguese translation of my book Christian Zionism. You can download part of the introduction here

If you wish to receive a copy please email me

The Joy of Serving: Matthew 25

The Joy of Serving: Matthew 25 from Stephen Sizer on Vimeo.

Do you know why dogs and cats are so different? A dog looks at you with those big brown eyes, cocks its head to one side and says to itself, “You love me, you feed me, you care for me, you take me for walks… you must be God”. A cat looks at you with those piercing green eyes and thinks to itself “You love me, you feed me, you care for me, you stroke me … I must be God”.

There are cat people and there are dog people. There are tennis people and there are golf people. Some people like to sleep with the windows open and some people prefer to sleep with the windows closed – and they are usually married to each other. Some people keep a pen and notepad by the telephone while other people just have children. There are breakfast people and there are people who don’t remember what breakfast is. There are A type people and there are the rest of you. There are Tigger people and there are Eyore people. There are blue sky optimist people and there are chicken little – sky falling in people. And every team has at least one of each. When it comes to finances, some are cheque book people and some are cash people. There are Harrods people and there are T.K. Maxx people. There are Waitrose shoppers and Aldi shoppers. There are carefully balanced every month cheque book people and there are shut the cheque account down every two years and start over people. There are people with stock brokers and there are people perfectly capable of going broke without them. And you know who you are. Jesus says that ultimately, there are only two kinds of people – the sheep people and the goat people. Do you know which you are?

“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.” (Matthew 25:31-33)

Lets find out how Jesus distinguishes one from the other. And lets make sure we know which we are and which we want to be. We can make five simple observations from this passage:

Read more here cc-vw.org/sermons/matthew25.htm

With God on our Side: UK Film Launch

With God on our Side:  Film Launch on Sunday 28th February, Christ Church, Virginia Water, GU25 4PT, 2:30pm

“With God On Our Side takes a look at the theology of Christian Zionism, which teaches that because the Jews are God’s chosen people, they have a divine right to the land of Israel. Aspects of this belief system lead some Christians in the West to give uncritical support to Israeli government policies, even those that privilege Jews at the expense of Palestinians, leading to great suffering among Muslim and Christian Palestinians alike and threatening Israel’s security as a whole.

This film demonstrates that there is a biblical alternative for Christians who want to love and support the people of Israel, a theology that doesn’t favor one people group over another but instead promotes peace and reconciliation for both Jews and Palestinians.”

Middle Eastern Perceptions of Western Christians

Issue of “Balance” When Sharing the Palestinian Narrative

Gary Burge on the Biblical View of Justice & the Middle East

The title for our film, “With God on Our Side” was inspired by the verse:

…while Joshua was there near Jericho: He looked up and saw right in front of him a man standing, holding his drawn sword. Joshua stepped up to him and said, “Whose side are you on—ours or our enemies’?” He said, “Neither. I’m commander of God’s army. Joshua 5:13-14a (The Message)

We believe this verse is still true today, that God does not take sides with certain people groups, nations or agendas. Rather He is for all people. Throughout history, those who have claimed God was on their side have used it to justify atrocities done in the name of Jesus. We believe once again certain Christians are approaching the people in the Middle East claiming God is on their side in a way that disregards human rights and gives unilateral support to a secular State, elevates one people group over another while using the Bible as justification. We believe there is a better way, a way of justice, peace and love for Jews and Palestinians. One that is inclusive, not exclusive. That is the heart of God.

See http://www.withgodonourside.com

Christianity Explored Swahili Launch: Bishop Stanley Ntagali

Bishop Stanley Ntagali Launches Christianity Explored in Swahili from Stephen Sizer on Vimeo.

Bishop Stanley Ntagali of Masindi, Uganda, speaks at the launch of the Swahili translation of Christianity Explored in Bweyale, in January 2010.

A high proportion of the residents in the area are refugees and live in resettlement camps. The hope is that those trained will help resource other churches to use CE Swahili into Sudan and Congo as well as Tanzania and Kenya.

Uganda is a country of striking beauty with a bright future but with momentous demographic and economic challenges ahead. With God’s help, The Church of Uganda, with its schools and hospitals, as in Kiwoko and Bweyale, will help its people realise their full potential, to the glory of God and the extension of his kingdom.

You can view photographs taken last year here:

Kiwoko Hospital
Kiwoko Christianity Explored

Bweyale Christianity Explored

Black Africa
On the Road