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Jesus and the widow who knew how to handle money

The Widow’s Mite from Stephen Sizer on Vimeo.

The Butterball Turkey company has a hotline to answer consumer questions about preparing and cooking turkeys. Occasionally they get a rather unusual query. One lady called to inquire about cooking a turkey that had been in her freezer for 23 years. The operator told her it might be safe if the freezer had been kept below 0 degrees the entire time. But the operator warned the woman that, even if it were safe, the flavour had probably deteriorated, and she wouldn’t recommend eating it. The caller replied, “That’s what we thought. We’ll just give it to the church.” Why do we find that story funny? She was consecrating her Turkey to God, wasn’t she? It’s the thought that counts, doesn’t it? This morning, in our series on Jesus and women, we meet the lady who knew how to handle money. I want us to observe how impressed Jesus is with her. We don’t know her name but we do learn:

True Giving is Unpretentious: Observed by God’s Son

True Giving is Sacrificial: Prized in God’s Economy

True Giving is Reckless: Trust in God’s Provision

1. True Giving is Unpretentious: Observed by God’s Son

“Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny.” (Mark 12:41-42)

Imagine the scene. Jesus has just had a rather tense confrontation with some of the religious leaders. He heads to the Temple with his disciples. In the temple, there is a section called court of the women which both men and women were allowed to come, and where the temple treasury was located. The Bible says that Jesus sat down on a bench where he could watch the people bring their offerings and put them in one of the thirteen trumpet-shaped collection boxes. Each one had a different purpose. There was a box for contributions to the building fund. One was for the priests’ salary. One was for helping the poor. When people went up to put their tithe and offering into the box they would announce the amount of the gift and its purpose. They might say, “£500 for the building fund, and £200 for the hunger relief fund.” And metal on metal, their gifts made a good deal of noise as they fell into the collection boxes. But not this widow’s contribution. Her two coins were lepta, the smallest coins in circulation. They were worth almost nothing. Amidst the din of the wealthy givers, her contribution would have made no sound at all. And had it not been for Jesus, her visit to the Temple that day would have been unnoticed. But Jesus not only observed her giving. He observed her condition and motivation.

What do you think? Is God observing us in the same way today? Does he read our minds? Does he delight in our motives? Not how much we give but why we give? I believe He does. Giving is an act of worship, our response to God’s revelation of Himself. How much we give will reflect our thankfulness for all that God has given us. How much we give reveals much about how we view all that he has entrusted to us. In giving we are expressing the level of our gratefulness. It is not the amount but the motivation Jesus is looking at. True Giving is Unpretentious: Observed by God’s Son.

2. True Giving is Sacrificial: Prized in God’s Economy

“Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others.” (Mark 12:43)

Amongst the noise of the large quantities of coins being tossed into the collection boxes, this woman’s contribution would not have been heard or noticed. But in God’s upside down economy the noise made by her small gift was deafening.

As she leaves, unnoticed in the crowds, Jesus thought her gift so important he draws the attention of his disciples to her and says, “The truth is this widow has given by far the largest offering today, far more than all the other gifts combined.  All these others made offerings that they’ll never miss; she gave extravagantly what she couldn’t afford—she gave her all!”

To the Lord, how much she gave was not as important as how much she had left afterwards. God is pleased when someone like her gives unpretentiously, joyfully and sacrificially. It is not the amount given but the motivation of the giver that is prized in God’s economy. Money is of no value to God.

“The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else.” (Acts 17:24-25)

God wants us to give, not because he needs our money but because we need to demonstrate that we trust him with his world. The Lord puts it this way in 2 Corinthians:

“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” (2 Corinthians 9:6-8)

Our generosity is measured not by what others may give but by what we are capable of giving, what we are willing to give.

That is why I hope you will contribute to our ‘Turing Wine into Water’ appeal to provide a well for Nkondo Village and enlarge Goshen Christian School in Uganda in August. I do hope you will come to Stanlake Park for the afternoon on Saturday 16th July. God highly prizes such giving. Mother Teresa once said, “If you give what you do not need, it isn’t giving” Think about that.  “If you give what you do not need, it isn’t giving” True Giving is Unpretentious: Observed by God’s Son. True Giving is Sacrificial: Prized in God’s Economy.

3. True Giving is Reckless: Trusting in God’s Provision

“They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything— all she had to live on.” (Mark 12:44)

What some might regard as foolish recklessness, Jesus praises. Jesus praises her because she had literally given all her worldly wealth to the God she loved. She placed herself entirely in the hands of God. And there is no safer place to be.

She had no one else to provide for her. And in this act of dedication she became totally dependent on God. Have you ever been in such a place? It may be utterly scary but it is totally liberating. I can only remember being in that place once in my life. As a student I went on holiday to Sweden and discovered it was rather more expensive than I had budgeted for. During my last few days and on the ferry home I lived on bread and jam bought with the last of my Kroners. When I arrived at Harwich I was penniless. I remember being accosted by a beggar on the railway station asking me for money and empathising with him as I was broke too. When you have nothing left you become very dependent.

The lady in our story had nowhere to turn but God and his provision. Did he provide for her? We are not. However we do know that God promises to provide for all who trust in Him. Psalm 37 says,

“The blameless spend their days under the LORD’s care, and their inheritance will endure forever. In times of disaster they will not wither; in days of famine they will enjoy plenty.” (Psalm 37:18-19)

That is why Jesus insists,

“Do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:31-33)

What about you? Do you think God means us to believe these promises apply to us today? Too often, we play it safe don’t we? We play it safe when we give to God with the attitude, “I’ll give this amount, but I’ll hold back the rest just in case God doesn’t come through for me.” We hedge our bets just in case God drops the ball. This applies to more than money. It applies to our time and service for God as volunteers as well. We play it safe. We want to stay in our comfort zone. We doubt that God will help us. We get comfortable in our little corner doing what we’ve always done or giving what we’ve always given. In effect we are saying we believe that we can manage our affairs better than God can. So let me ask you, are you willing to be reckless for God? Extravagant with God? That was why Jesus praises the widow’s giving, because it was unpretentious, it was sacrificial, it was reckless.


A sobbing little girl, Hattie May Wiatt, stood near a small church from which she had been turned away because it ’was too crowded.’ “I can’t go to Sunday School,” she sobbed to the preacher as he walked by. The preacher looked on her shabby, unkempt appearance, and guessed the reason – taking her by the hand, took her inside and found a place for her in the Sunday School class. The child was so touched that she went to bed that night thinking of the children who have no place to worship Jesus. About two years later, Hattie died and her parents called for the preacher, Dr. Russell H. Conwell, to handle her final arrangements. They told him that they found a  worn and crumpled purse. Inside were 57 cents and a note scribbled in childish handwriting which read, “This is to help build the little church bigger so more children can go to Sunday school.” For two years she had saved for this special offering. He wrote, “After the funeral the mother handed me the little bag with the gathered 57 cents. I took it to the church and stated that we had the first gift toward the new Sunday school building; I then changed all the money into pennies and offered them for sale. I received about $250 for the 57 pennies; and 54 of those cents were returned to me by the people who bought them. I then had them put in a frame where they could be seen and exhibited them, and we received by a sale of the $250 changed into pennies money enough to buy the next house north of the church. I walked over to see Mr. Baird, who lived on the corner and asked him what he wanted for this lot. He said that he wanted $30,000. I told him that we had only 54 cents toward the $30,000, but that we were foolish enough to think that some time we would yet own that lot. Mr. Baird said: ‘I have been thinking this matter over and have made up my mind I will sell you that lot for $25,000, and I will take the 54 cents as the first payment and you may give me a mortgage for the rest at 5%. I went back and so reported to the church, and they said: ‘Well, we can raise more money than 54 cents’, but I went over and left the 54 cents with Mr. Baird and took a receipt for it as a part payment on the lot. Mr. Baird afterwards returned the 54 cents as a gift. Thus we bought the lot, and thus encouraged of God step by step, we went on constructing this church. Then with the 54 cents they began work on Temple University, which over the years has trained thousands of young people in medicine, law and theology. Then they used the 54 cents to build the Samaritan hospital serving over 30,000 people a year. It eventually became Temple University Hospital which still provides free care for those unable to afford payment, regardless of race, nationality or creed. In Baptist Temple Church now in Blue Bell, Pasadena, there is a picture of the Hettie whose 57 cents, so sacrificially saved, made such remarkable history and helped inspire others to build a church, a university and hospital.

Giving which God delights in is unpretentious because it is observed by God’s Son. Giving which God delights in is sacrificial because it is prized in God’s economy. Giving which God delights in is reckless because it demonstrates complete trust in God’s provision. May you find that to be true in your experience today. Lets pray.

With grateful thanks to Joel Santos, Wesley Bishop, Danilo Santiago and Paul Tuck, over on for their sermons on this passage, together with the commentaries on Mark’s Gospel by Dick France (The People’s Bible Commentary) and J.C. Ryle (Crossway Classic Commentaries).

The Middle East Conflict: A Christian Perspective

The Middle East Conflict: A Christian Perspective on the Origins and Solutions

a 60 minute audio-visual presentation on the origins and solutions to the Middle East conflict from a Christian perspective, delivered at Indiana University Purdue University and broadcast on local TV in Fort Wayne, in March 2011.

Also available as a higher resolution DVD for $10 or £5 from

Radical Conservatives: 21st Century Evangelicals in the UK

During 2011, at Christ Church we are reading, reflecting upon and applying the biblical principles highlighted in John Stott’s book The Living Church: Convictions of a lifelong pastor. In the foreword, he compares and contrasts two kinds of churches, ‘traditional’ and ’emerging’.

It seems to me that traditional and ‘emerging’ churches need to listen attentively to one another, with a view to learning from one another. The former must recognize that much of what we recognize as traditional today was itself once revolutionary and even ‘emerging’, and therefore be open to today’s creative thinking. The latter should be wary of loving newness for newness’ sake. We both could afford to be less suspicious, less dismissive of one another, and more respectful and open. For, as Archbishop Rowan Williams has written, ‘there are many ways in which the reality of ‘‘church’’ can exist’. Nevertheless, it has certain essential marks which will always characterize an authentic and living church.

John Stott insists we need churches that combine the best of both strands, in his words, “more ‘R.C.’ churches” – that is Radical Conservative churches –

‘conservative’ in the sense that they conserve what Scripture plainly requires, but ‘radical’ in relation to that combination of tradition and convention which we call ‘culture’. Scripture is unchangeable; culture is not.”

This month, the Evangelical Alliance publish the findings of a survey into the views of 17,000 evangelicals in the UK.  It is the most extensive piece of research of its kind ever conducted. Speaking as someone who aspires to be a ‘Radical Conservative’ the results are most heartening. They demonstrate that the kind of Christianity John Stott was calling for as long ago at 1958 in his first book, Basic Christianity – far from being in decline or irrelevant – is setting the pace and the agenda for the Church in Britain and offers the best hope for the conversion of the nation.  Here are some of the initial findings:

  • JESUS: 91% strongly agree that Jesus is the only way to God.
  • CHURCH: 97% attend a church service at least once a week.
  • BIBLE: 93% strongly agree that the Bible is the inspired word of God.
  • PRAYER: 76% pray daily, 95% do so at least a few times a week.
  • GIVING: 96% have given money to their church in the past year.
  • MIRACLES: 83% strongly agree miracles did not end in the 1st century.
  • FAITH: 88% strongly agree their faith is the most important thing in their life.
  • ENVIRONMENT: 94% believe we have a duty to care for the environment.
  • ENGAGEMENT: 76% watch, listen or read the news every day.
  • VOTING: 85% voted in the last General Election.
  • VOLUNTEERING: 81% do voluntary week every month.
  • VOICE: 93% believe evangelicals should have a voice in the media and engage with government.

The first report will be available to view online or download from 12th January from the Evangelical Alliance website.

Just Imagine

Do you enjoy dreaming? Do you ever remember your dreams? Do they ever reoccur? Have you ever dreamed about dreaming? Have you ever thought about sharing a dream? Having seen the film Inception, I will never think about dreams in the same way again. Inception is probably the most complicated, the most fast paced and dramatic sci-fi thriller I have ever seen. The premise is that professional thieves called “extractors” can invade people’s dreams to steal information via a drug-induced sleep that is shared by two or more people. From the ingenious mind of British filmmaker Christopher Nolan, Inception begs the question: what if you could share a dream with someone? Long before Christopher Nolan dreamed up the imaginary world of Inception, the Bible encourages us to dream, to imagine, to have visions of the future and to share the experience.

‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” (Acts 2:17; Joel 2:28)

Now I think Joel is talking more about ‘day dreaming’ than he is about night dreaming. You can’t do much about dreams at night but you can during the day. While ‘day dreaming’ is mostly associated with negative connotations, I believe we should consciously and actively cultivate the art of day dreaming. So, do you have any hopes or dreams for 2011? Are they like New Year resolutions, quickly made but soon forgotten, or will they stay with you and motivate you throughout the year ahead?

At Christ Church we have found a useful way to express our dreams has been to write out some ‘imagine’ statements. We’ve encouraged one another to imagine what kind of future we would like to see and express these ideas in simple sentences. These have helped construct a vision of the kind of future we aspire to. If you want a copy, visit our website or pick one up from the Church reception.

We could do the same for our community. Imagine returning to Virginia Water in five or ten year’s time. What would it look like? What would be your dreams for Virginia Water? What would your nightmares be? What would you like our community to become?

Imagine Virginia Water as a village free from crime, free from pollution, free from noise, free from stress, free from fear. Imagine Virginia Water as a place where children are safe walking to school on their own, safe playing in the parks and recreation fields. Imagine Virginia Water as a place where you are safe walking alone at night.

Imagine our community with no recorded crime. No speeding motorists, no burglaries, no shop lifting, no assaults. Imagine Virginia Water with no alcoholism, no drug abuse, no vandalism and no graffiti. Imagine not having to lock your windows or doors or gates at night. Imagine not needing an intruder alarm, surveillance cameras, high walls or need for the services of a security firm.

Imagine Virginia Water as a place where marriages last for life, where there is no infidelity, no unwanted pregnancies, no abortions, no child abuse, no adultery, no marital violence, no divorce.

Imagine our community respectful and protective of the various faith communities. Imagine no anti-Semitism, no Islamophoba, no anti-Americanism, no racism of any kind, but instead, a tolerant and caring community where minorities feel secure and accepted.

Imagine our elderly cared for by neighbours within the community. Imagine no one left alone, no one lonely, no one depressed, no one suicidal, but instead everyone valued, affirmed and encouraged to contribute to the good of the community.

Is such a vision unrealistic or naïve? Is it not worth aiming for? Is it worth investing time to try and achieve?

The Bible gives us a vision of the future. In the last chapter of the Bible, we read, “And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” (Revelation 21:3-4)

This vision of the future has encouraged Christ-followers down through the centuries to pray, as Jesus taught us, “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10). This image of the future has motivated Christ-followers to strive to bring God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

What 2011 holds for us, we do not know. With climate change, the threat of terrorism and powerful global forces shaping our economy, it is easy to feel helpless. It is perhaps timely with the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton in a few months’ time, to remember something memorable his great-grandfather once said.

On December 25th 1939, as citizens of the British Empire faced a world war, King George VI resurrected a tradition his father launched: an annual Christmas message to all the inhabitants of the Empire. In this excerpt from his speech, the King, not usually a compelling speaker, inspired and reassured his listeners by quoting a poem: “I said to the man who stood at the Gate of the Year, ‘Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.’ And he replied, ‘Go out into the darkness, and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be better than light, and safer than a known way.'”

May you place your hand in the hand of God this coming year. May God give you a vision of the future that will last all year and beyond. May God give you the strength and perseverance to discover and do his perfect will. And in doing so, may God bless you and those you love in 2011.

Little Town of Bethlehem at Christ Church 28th November

Christ Church, Virginia Water are hosting a UK premier of the film Little Town of Bethlehem on Sunday 28th November at 2.00pm. Free admission. For travel details see here

Little Town of Bethlehem, a documentary film, follows the story of three men of three different faiths and their lives in Israel and Palestine. The story explores each man’s choice of nonviolent action amidst a culture of overwhelming violence.

The film examines the struggle to promote equality through nonviolent engagement in the midst of incredible violence that has dehumanized all sides.

Dr Bishara Awad denied exit visa

Dr Bishara Awad, the Principal of Bethlehem Bible College and the father of Sami Awad is due to speak at the 11.00am and 6.30pm services at Christ Church, Virginia Water on Sunday 28th November, as well as introduce the film at 2.00pm. However, the Israeli military authorities have so far denied him an exit visa to leave the ghetto prison of Bethlehem.

Little Town of Bethlehem: The Story

Sami’s story begins as a young boy living in the Israeli-occupied West Bank; Yonatan’s starts on an Israeli military base; and Ahmad’s begins in a Palestinian refugee camp.

Their three stories are interwoven through the major events of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, starting with the 1972 massacre at the Munich Olympics and following through the first Intifada, suicide bombings in Israel, the Oslo Accords, the assassination of Yitzchak Rabin, and the second Intifada. Sami, Yonatan, and Ahmad each describe the events from their unique perspective, interjecting personal reflections and explaining how these events led them to become involved in the nonviolence movement.

In Bethlehem, the city where it is said that God became man, Sami just wants to be seen as human. First learning about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as a teen, he began lecturing about nonviolence in high school. Later, Sami traveled to India to learn more about Gandhi. As the result of his discoveries, he founded the organization Holy Land Trust to promote nonviolence in the Palestinian community.

Yonatan embraced his father’s legacy as a pilot in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and fulfilled his own dream of becoming an IDF helicopter pilot. However, his journey led him to the astonishing decision to join with 26 other IDF pilots who publicly refused to participate in missions that would lead to civilian casualties. Co-founding the organization Combatants for Peace, made up of former Israeli and Palestinian combatants, Yonatan struggles to reconcile his love for his country with his growing opposition to the Israeli occupation.
After studying in Spain, Ahmad returned to Bethlehem to become a nonviolence trainer. Despite the daily challenges of living in a refugee camp, Ahmad remains committed to his community and risks his life and livelihood in nonviolent actions to bring an end to oppression.

For their work, Sami and Ahmad have been labeled as “Israeli collaborators” by some within the Palestinian community, and are seen as a threat to security by the Israeli military. By refusing to participate in offensive military actions against Palestinian civilians, Yonatan has been branded a traitor by some Israelis and can no longer work in his homeland.

All three men have had their lives threatened by members of their own communities as a result of their work. Sami, Yonatan, and Ahmad continue to embrace their common humanity and equality for all, daring to have the hope that peace in the Holy Land can be achieved through nonviolent struggle.

Most films will entertain you. Good films will educate you as well. Brilliant films will engage and move you to action. Once in a while along comes a film that motivates you to become a participant rather than spectator. This is one of those rare films.

With God on our Side: iPhone App

“With God On Our Side” takes a look at the theology of Christian Zionism, which teaches that because the Jews are God’s chosen people, they have a divine right to the land of Israel. Aspects of this belief system lead some Christians in the West to give uncritical support to Israeli government policies, even those that privilege Jews at the expense of Palestinians, leading to great suffering among Muslim and Christian Palestinians alike and threatening Israel’s security as a whole.

This film demonstrates that there is a biblical alternative for Christians who want to love and support the people of Israel, a theology that doesn’t favor one people group over another but instead promotes peace and reconciliation for both Jews and Palestinians.”

iPhone Apps Store

Mayor of Bethlehem Slams Israeli Settlement Expansion

The Mayor of Bethlehem Slams Illegal Jewish Settlements from Stephen Sizer on Vimeo.

Mayor of Bethlehem on the Impact of the Israeli Occupation of Palestine from Stephen Sizer on Vimeo.

Tonight I had supper with Victor Batarseh, the Mayor of Bethlehem along with a few friends of Bethlehem Bible College. Victor is a gentle grandfather figure, a retired physician and active Christian. He also happens to be a US citizen, although the US Consulate General in Jerusalem refuses to meet with him. The British Consulate general is also unwilling to meet him. “They will meet with the Mayors of other Palestinian towns but not with the Christian Mayor of Bethlehem.” It is also almost impossible for him to leave Bethlehem without special permission from the Israeli authorities. I asked him why. He said “Because I am calling for justice for the Palestinians and peace with Israel and that is not the non-violent message Israel wants to hear from the Occupied Territories.”

He derided the idea that for the last ten months Israel has abided by a moratorium on Settlement expansion. “The settlement expansion has been continuing” he insisted. “The municipal boundary of Bethlehem used to encompass 35 square kilometers of territory. Now it is only six.” he insisted. The rest, mostly the agricultural land has been stolen by the 18 illegal Jewish settlements that now encircle Bethlehem.

He was elected Mayor of Bethlehem in 2005. On his election, he made this speech which, five years later, appears just as timely.

As the newly elected mayor of Bethlehem, I feel proud and privileged. Though it is little in size, it is one of the most famous cities on earth. Bethlehem is a name that lives in the hearts of millions of people. It signifies love, hope and peace for mankind.

It is true we do not have skyscrapers in Bethlehem, but we have the formidable Church of the Nativity, the place where it all started. We do not have natural resources, but we have the holy manger, the source of spiritual fulfillment and nourishment. We do not possess modern technology and satellites, but we have the star of the Nativity, the beacon that has embodied hope in the minds of all believers.

Our history is full of inspirational stories but also of bad times. The bad times under the recent Israeli aggression have led to enormous pain and suffering for Bethlehem and to unprecedented deterioration in its situation.

Throughout the past years, the Israeli settlements’ greedy campaign has cost us considerable loss of our land and resources. The continuous closure imposed on Bethlehem has crippled our freedom to move about, our trade and our labor force. What aggravated the matter, however, is the construction of the separation wall that is slicing the northern borders of Bethlehem, tearing apart many of our families and isolating our holy town from the outside world. We are living in the horror of this apartheid wall that has grabbed our land and seriously affected all aspects of our life, including our ability to access basic services and work, thus our ability to sustain ourselves. Actually, we live today in what is similar to a big prison.

Such a massive obstruction, a concrete wall nearly 40 feet high, is closing the main and historic entrance of the town of the Nativity and has decimated tourism, our major source of income. Except for the last three months when a few pilgrims and tourists were seen again at the Church of the Nativity, tourism in Bethlehem has reached a stage of total standstill over the last four consecutive years. Unemployment in town has therefore soared to 55 percent. With a bleeding heart, I regret to say that more than half of Bethlehemites live today under the poverty line, which encouraged a serious wave of emigration among them, in particular Christians, the custodians of the holy manger.

With lack of adequate support from our Palestinian National Authority, the municipality lives at present in a dire financial crisis. Last month we could not afford to pay the salaries of our employees. The situation portends further deterioration should no immediate support be received, including the risk of cutting off essential municipal services rendered to our people, which would make things even worse.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am not telling a story nor am I trying to be gloomy. I am only conveying the truth that Bethlehem lives today. At this difficult time, we turn toward the sons of Bethlehem, toward our friends and partners throughout the world, asking them to reach out with a helping hand. To them we say Bethlehem, the cradle of Christianity, needs you more than ever before.

For sure one day the wall around Bethlehem will fall. Examples in old and recent history confirm this fact. We will strive to bring that day closer. But until then, we can refuse to live in its shadow. Bethlehem deserves to be open because it stands for the values of openness, an open democracy built on the open hearts of its citizens. The rich and unique heritage of Bethlehem reminds the world that we all face a poorer future without the hope and promise of our little town.

Ladies and gentlemen, despite our suffering and the oppression we are afflicted with, we hold deep faith in peace. We believe peace is the only solution. Peace is a blessing from God we all need. However, peace should be based on justice, equality and respect of others’ rights if it is to prevail, and not on oppression, might and separation.

I should say the Israeli occupation of our land is the sole obstacle to peace and the major cause of instability in our region.

Being on the soil of the U.S.A., the biggest democracy on earth, I call upon the U.S. government, the main sponsor of the Middle East peace process, to do its utmost toward implementing the international legitimacy represented in the United Nations Security Council resolutions, for the sake of a just, comprehensive peace in our region to allow both peoples, Israelis and Palestinians, to live in the Holy Land together and forever as good and equal neighbors.

May the star of the Nativity that shone onto Bethlehem more than 2,000 years ago and led the kings of the Orient to come and meet the Prince of Peace be a symbol of hospitality and guide all people of goodwill toward Bethlehem once again to restore its former glory as a place of dignity, a pilgrimage destination and an open city for peace.

Distinctive Daniel (Daniel 1)

Distinctive Daniel from Stephen Sizer on Vimeo.

Distinctive Daniel: Daniel 1:1-21

“…the king ordered Ashpenaz, chief of his court officials, to bring into the king’s service some of the Israelites from the royal family and the nobility—young men without any physical defect, handsome, showing aptitude for every kind of learning, well informed, quick to understand, and qualified to serve in the king’s palace. He was to teach them the language and literature of the Babylonians.” (Daniel 1:3-4)

Picture Daniel. He is from a family of high social status. He is physically fit and strikingly handsome.  If Joanna were giving this message, she might tell you to picture Daniel Craig who many think is strikingly handsome. Apparently Daniel is actually much shorter than he appears on screen. So picture someone who looks like Daniel Craig only more handsome and less dumpy. Daniel is bright. He is quick to understand. Aged 17, he would have achieved ‘A’ stars in all of his subjects at AS level last week and be heading for Oxford or Harvard next Summer.  Daniel also scores high in ‘emotional intelligence’. His future would be predictable. After university he would go to medical school or law school or Sandhurst. He would work in Harley Street, the Diplomatic Service, the City or MI5. He might become a stock broker, a barrister, an officer, an ambassador, a corporate CEO. He would be successful in whatever field he chose. He would marry a beautiful wife, live in an enviable home with the right postcode, raise a wonderful family who would go to private schools and he would occupy a prominent place in the community. He would also do great things for God and God’s people. But life did not turn out the way Daniel planned.

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Who or what was most influential in you becoming a Christian?

We recently asked 80 church members what or who was most influential in their becoming a Christian. Here are the survey results:

1. Parents  27%
2. Relative or Friend 23%
3. Youth Leader 6%
3. Youth Camp 6%
3. Bible reading 6%
3. Alpha/Christianity Explored 6%
4. Pastor 5%
5. Sunday School Teacher 4%
5. Dream or Revelation 4%
5. Christian book 4%
6. Church Service 1%
7. Mission 0%
8. Evangelist 0%

Half of all those surveyed, said that a relative or friend was most influential with parents comprising the largest category. Next in significance, 10% attributed their conversion to a youth leader or youth camp.

In total,  church based staff, programmes and events, accounted for only around 20%.

What does this tell us? That special evangelistic events are at best a means by which Christians can introduce family and friends to Jesus, but they are no substitute for genuine friendship and trust. Humbling statistics for professional clergy and evangelists.

Our own statistics corroborate those found in other surveys. See this article from the US based National Network of Youthworkers

Leadership Journal also recently published the findings of a survey of 750 Muslims who converted to Christianity. The survey revealed the five predominant reasons they chose to follow Christ.

  1. The lifestyle of Christians. Former Muslims cited the love that Christians exhibited in their relationships with non-Christians and their treatment of women as equals.
  2. The power of God in answered prayers and healing. Experiences of God’s supernatural work—especially important to folk Muslims who have a characteristic concern for power and blessings—increased after their conversions, according to the survey. Often dreams about Jesus were reported.
  3. Dissatisfaction with the type of Islam they had experienced. Many expressed dissatisfaction with the Qur’an, emphasizing God’s punishment over his love. Others cited Islamic militancy and the failure of Islamic law to transform society.
  4. The spiritual truth in the Bible. Muslims are generally taught that the Torah, Psalms, and the Gospels are from God, but that they became corrupted. These Christian converts said, however, that the truth of God found in Scripture became compelling for them and key to their understanding of God’s character.
  5. Biblical teachings about the love of God. In the Qur’an, God’s love is conditional, but God’s love for all people was especially eye-opening for Muslims. These converts were moved by the love expressed through the life and teachings of Jesus. The next step for many Muslims was to become part of a fellowship of loving Christians.

The respondents were from 30 countries and 50 ethnic groups. The survey was prepared at Fuller Theological Seminary’s School of Intercultural Studies, and reported in Christianity Today.

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I interviewed Dr David Nolent, Director for Evangelism for at the SzukajacBoga conference, in Poland in May 2010.

David Nolent explains about from Stephen Sizer on Vimeo. has been translated into numerous languages:


In this short presentation David Nolent talks about e-coaching:

David Nolent and e-coaching from Stephen Sizer on Vimeo.