Proclaiming the Resurrection of Jesus

Paul in Athens from Stephen Sizer on Vimeo. Proclaiming the Resurrection of Jesus in Athens (Acts 17) Proclaiming the resurrection may not be as hard as you may think. As Christians gather to celebrate Easter today, a recent national survey revealed that over half of people in Britain believe that Jesus Christ rose from the […]

The Resurrection of Jesus

Jesus is Risen from Stephen Sizer on Vimeo. Easter Family Service (2011) How are you feeling right now? Are you worried that you might not find an Easter egg? Are you tired after a long week’s school holiday? Are you feeling guilty you didn’t make Mum her breakfast this morning? Are you pleased that you […]

Jesus and Mary Magdalene (John 20:1-18)

Jesus and Mary Magdalene (John 20:1-18) from Stephen Sizer on Vimeo. Jesus and Women: The Transforming Power of Redemptive Love. Mary Magdalene (John 20:1-18) What is the most embarrassing thing that can possibly happen to a man? Getting lost and having to ask a lady for directions? Close. Discovering your wife is a better map […]

Turning Wine into Water

Turning Wine into Water: Saturday 16th July at Stanlake Park Wine Estate, Twyford, Berkshire, RG10 0BN from 2:00pm-6:00pm. There will be wine and cheese tasting with a children’s treasure hunt. Free admission but donations welcome to help provide a well  and permanent buildings for Goshen School in Uganda. In August a team will be going […]

The Cross

The Cross from Stephen Sizer on Vimeo. When a hospital consultant reveals a serious medical condition that will probably shorten your life without a major operation, it can be a little unsettling. The imminent risk of a stroke is like a living death sentence. It changes your outlook on life. Your priorities. Then, just as […]

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: 21st-30th October 2011

A comprehensive 10-day Pilgrimage based in Jerusalem and the Galilee in Half Term, 21st-30th October 2011. In the Middle East, the reality on the ground is often far removed from what we see and read in the news. Places of pilgrimage are open and welcoming visitors. We have planned our programme for late October during […]

The Grace of Giving

The Grace of Giving “Look at your hands. When you were just an infant, you came out with your hands closed. And every time somebody put their little finger in yours, you would wrap your hand around it, hold on tight, and not let go. As a toddler, you started grabbing rattles and lit­tle toys. […]

Jesus on Marriage

The secret to newlywed bliss? Irrational optimism about your spouse. If marriage is about compromise, as they say, then happy marriage is about self-delusion. So found scientists at the University of Buffalo, who followed 222 newlyweds through their first three years together. The ones who went into marriage idealizing their partners ended up happier together […]

How to Receive Communion Faithfully

Receiving Holy Communion Faithfully from Stephen Sizer on Vimeo. The Privilege of Church Membership: Receiving Communion Faithfully (1 Corinthians 11:17-34) Whenever I travel abroad I empty my wallet of all my extraneous plastic – there’s my Boots Advantage card, my Tesco Club card, Shell garage card and Nectar ‘you deserve it’ loyalty card, my Starbucks […]