Christ Church, Virginia Water, supports the work of the world-wide church through a range of Mission Partners or Agencies.
In East Africa, for example, Christ Church supports the translation, publication and training in the use of the Christianity Explored course through the active involvement of our Vicar, the Revd Dr Stephen Sizer.
Stephen invests several weeks of the year to support the Christianity Explored programme in Uganda, South Sudan, Burundi and Kenya with plans to expand the programme into Tanzania and Congo. To learn more click here.
Stephen also receives frequent invitations to provide Bible teaching and training in evangelism, discipleship and peacemaking, especially from mission agencies, interfaith groups, churches and theological colleges in the Middle East and Asia. Overall, he invests about eight weeks of the year in international mission.
If you wish to contribute regularly, or by a one off donation, toward his international ministry expenses, please give by electronic transfer via Christ Church, indicating the purpose of your gift, or simply click on the PayPal button below.